Platform of management and coordination, AGFE (European Funds Management Association) reinforces coherence and efficiency of several public intervention into inclusion field.
By its action of territorial animation and strengthened consultation, AGFE supports:
- through a territorial platform, coordination of employment and inclusion policies for targeted audiences and shared assessment of results;
- management of financial operations of local/regional authorities with State, supported by European Union via the European social funds;
- territorial organisation and management of social and professional insertion processes;
- project management engineering dedicated to local development;
- networks development with economic actors;
- professionalisation of local actors.
The NGO AGFE is constituted by its founding members, the following legal entities:
- association AGIRE – PLIE d’Argenteuil-Bezons ;
- association Convergences Emploi Cergy – PLIE de Cergy-Pontoise ;
- la Communauté d’Agglomération Val-de-France – PLIE de Val-de-France.
This three organisations have created a common platform to put their ESF management together.
AGFE, constituted on the 27th January 2011 as NGO of French law (association loi 1901) is the first intermediated body of the Île-de-France region. It has for only adherent the PLIE (Local plan for insertion and employment), members of the management group, has supported on legally basis the convention of global grant of 2011-2014, then 2015-2017. The council of Val d’Oise, French department, entrusts AGFE to manage 25% of ESF credit granted by DIRECCTE (management entity for the Île-de-France region), to reinforce the insertion programme for the territory.
In accordance with of the national operational programme ESF “employment and social inclusion” 2014-2020, ESF credits granted to programmed operations within the framework of the PLIE adherents at the AGFE. These actions are focused on the reduction of the number of persons confronted to social exclusion and poverty and to encourage social inclusion.